
Gawd my writing sucks. I say that because I can’t read it! I keep writing these “notes2self” that SELF can’t read. Swear to gawd, get with the program, how hard is it. Let me blame the computer. LOL

Remember those penmenship scribbles we use to do in elementary school? Probably a 60s 70s thing. Those circles scrawled along the whole page, up and down strokes down the whole page. The page seemed so long, when is this going to end. Yeah well it helped right. We, back in the day acutally hand to hand write a paragraph or two, book reports, and research papers. Yes we did before the days of word processing and computers. Oh in between that we typed! Typed a whole research paper, we did. Back in the days of White Out! Write out?! šŸ™‚

It’s always the important stuff that I can’t read. I have to think hard of what the hell was I thinking at the time and place, imagine why da hell did I write it in the first place. Is it related to what I wrote it next to, is it just part of a grocery list, what? WTH? Sometimes I just randomly write shit, outta blues; oh yeah remember to…… What? I can’t read it, how do I remember what I can’t read to remember? Such is life. LOL

I keep hearing about a generation that can’t read cursive. I thought that was/is bullshit. UNTIL…. I signed in for an appointment and 2 people were struggling to read the clip board. I assumed it was my last name, thats just a given. But these two look at me (I was the only one there) holding up the clip board at me and pointing at my name. I said my name and they were, “oooohhhhh.” I looked at my writing in cursive and thought I wrote pretty neat. Its just 5 letters. You couldn’t tell thats an “L”. Really? I dunno.

Unlike some people, my daughter & my neice; their printing look like its typewriteen. Its that neat. In fact I told my daughter several times when she was way younger that she needed to make her signature uglier because it was so easy to forge. Now I can’t even read it. At least she listened.

Well I should go and practice my penmenship, let me do a grocery list……

Be Blessed (\0/)

Malama Pono

My Pronoun Is Dakine

Have no clue why this thought popped into my mind today. I didn’t know I had a pronoun, so maybe thats why. Dakine, yeah.

I think this would make a good T-shirt. Maybe I should copy right it. Or maybe no can hah? I’m sure I’ll get a cease & decist notice from Dakine bag company. Whatkinedatyeah?

Long time since I neva write pidgin. WTH, I talk it everyday. My kids have told me all their lives; MA you need to increase your vocabulary – everything is not Dakine. NOT?! LOL Dakine is as dakine does anden. LOL

Da pronoun thing kinda mixes me up. Somebody can be they and them and whatevers. One person is they? I always thought THEM was moe den one, plural kine. Just wen I tawt I know standard English, I dorono dakine. Azwhyhud?

While I’m talking about my mixed up mind….. Transgender Female? Does that mean born a male now being female OR born female now being male. I get da “trans” part, something switched but which way? You know what I mean. Eh at least I ask, hah? No wonda Hawaiians only had one word for dakine; Mahu – whichevas ways – Mahu.

Be Blessed (\0/)

Malama Pono


So after many many years, I finally got some partials. As in dentures, as in fake teeth. I can’t say its made any difference. Ok, its only been 2 days, but its a weird feeling having something in my mouth. Yes, thats what she said. LOL

On the back left side there are 4 missing teeth. I think its been decades. My dentist has been telling me for a long time that I need them. But its been outtasite, outta mind right? So I just let it go. Don’t know what got me to do it now. Probably cause I may as well do it while I’m still working and can pay for it. So now what?

I’m hoping it works as a slimming aid because I can’t eat with it in. Well I can but not the same as when I don’t have them in. It just feels weird. The first day I had them in I would take it out to eat. The second day I forced my self to eat. When was the last time I had to do that? I’m trying but …. I’m hoping not eating is a good thing right. LOL We’ll see.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question!

Be Blessed(\0/)

Malama Pono


Everyone has a secret. Ya’ think. Perhaps, some more than others. I know my Mom’s generation took secrets to their grave. They literally told no one. They could keep a secret.

My generation, hmmmm I think we eventually tell our kids. LOL I was asked if I had any secrets. I said, “if I do I don’t remember what it is.” Which is sooo true. Like me buying stuff for Christmas and hiding it. Come Christmas time I don’t know where the hell it is. Of course after Christmas I’ll find it and than the question is, who did I buy this for now? Duh! I have a secret IF I can remember what it is and something would have to jog my memory. Maybe? I dunno I’m goofy like that.

Sometimes its not so much a secret as its just not telling anyone. Than in that span of not telling; it is a secret because nobody knows right? In that time of not telling, it becomes surpressed memories, if there’s a memory of it at all. The mind can be tricky like that.

When someone says to me “Don’t tell its a secret” then it most likely means somebody else knows too, and its just a secret to those who don’t know. If that person is telling me, I assume they told someone else too. And knowing me; I MAY be tempted to tell someone else too. Soooooo…… so much for secret(s).

What’s your secret? LOL

Be Blessed (\0/)

Malama Pono

Where TF Have I Been….

Thinking ain’t doing, gotta do what I’m thinking. I always think about writing and I don’t, wtf is that about? Attention defecit or just deficited? LOL Whatever.

I had/have so much to write about so of course now, my mind is blank. I must do better yes? LOL If I write to myself it will come to me.

I should be retiring but I’m still working. Who would have thunk it? My classmates keep reminding me, you know this year it will be SEVEN Decades! Yeah, AND? I thought one is suppose to retire at 67-ish, but I’m still at it. Physically I could do this another 10 years with doctors appointments of course. Mentally, I have a damn attitude; which to me is a sign to get the hell out all ready. LOL Soon. Its not the work, its the freaking lazy ass no common sense peeps. SEE, attitude. I never use to be like that. Or maybe I never use to work with, well never mind….

I mean how hard is it to answer or FWD an email. I thought YOU were gonna do it? So I get told I need to do it and I do it. BUT, Excuse me how da hell do you build a relationship with a vendor if you do not communicate with them and I do it and they ask me questions I cannot answer so I have to refer them back to you and you end up responding to them anyway? We just wasted time going back and forth and it would have been resolved if you had done it in the first place! Shit like that has been bugging for the past couple of years. Same people, same stupid no common sense. Until the Boss says, oh yeah you (not me) should have done it since its your project. Hello, thank you. Stupidhead, would have saved us a lot of time.

AND when you tell somebody (aka ME) Oh, I don’t do that, you’re suppose to do it. FWD an email really, you don’t FWD emails. I have a distinct memory of you doing it when you started working here; 5 years later you’re too good for that. That just means you are lazy.

Do I dare say its a generational thing? It could be. We have different work ethics. Or NO work ethic, even worst. Maybe its me; I was raised different. Your work ethic is a reflection of your up bringing. To think a generation or two don’t know how to work is concerning. I think its the struggle one grows up with and you do what you gotta do and part of doing is helping out where you can. When “people” just do their part with the attitude of, nobody told I was suppose to do that or thats not part of my “duties of responsibilities”; the workforce will have issue.

Unlike myself LOL who works till the job is done. LOL I don’t take the mandatory 15 minutes break when its 10 am or 3 pm. I break when I need to or when I’m done with the task at hand. I don’t stop at 10am or 3pm on the dot and do the break thing. Smokers do though huh? I use to be a smoker in high school but I digress…. When I break, I break. And I just assume take a longass lunch then a 15 minute break. LOL But thats me…

I think, ok I know; I’m addicted to my paycheck. The rush of going to buy grocery and buying what ever the hell I want without thinking twice. Food, such motivation. Also if I didn’t need to clock in, I have so much I can/have to do sewing wise.

But first, I should be downsizing and getting rid of stuff. So much stuff. I need to unhoard. I watch HOARDERs and it makes me feel good, I ain’t THAT bad at least. I am motivated to get rid of stuff; I just haven’t got rid of stuff yet. Kinda like, I have a lot to write but I haven’t written. Hmmmm Do I see a pattern here? LOL

Gotta go, here’s hoping I return sooner than later…

Be Blessed (\0/)

Malama Pono

Put Vicks

I have germs. Not Covid19, just your basic hannabuttah nose, sore throat and I feel crappy kind of germs. Caught it from the kid. Ain’t that always the case. Whenever the kids told me they think they’re getting a cold; I would say ” Put Vicks!” So of course when I said, I think I’m getting a cold. I hear “Put Vicks!” Where did they learn it from.

Good ole Vicks VapoRub, good for what ails you. If you can smell the Vicks must not be Covid. LOL I think Vicks is poor people medicine. But Vicks ain’t cheap no more, like every thing else its gotten high. But if you need it, you need it. Vicks works for me, I think its a mental thing. Or menthol thing.

Probably a childhood thing, right. Vicks and chicken noodle soup with rice. My go to healing comfort cure. Not just any chicken noodle soup, it has to be Campbell’s chicken noodle soup. Chicken noodle soup and put rice, basic Local cure dat. LOL I always feel better after that. Then some good ole sleep. Sleep is healing. As long as you wake up! knock on wood…

Be Blessed (\0/)

Malama Pono

Powwow Pics

Pictures from NIEA 2022 PowWow, Oklahoma City, OK.

I love taking pictures at PowWows. Love the colors, the artistry, the creativity, the ribbonwork, the beadwork and the history. All the creative natives! These are not something you can buy at WalMart or just any store. Ok maybe at Sharp’s Indian Store or Supernaw, but not at just ANY store. A lot of the regalia are passed down generations or made specifically for the person,

FYI: It is not a costume, the correct terminology is REGALIA.


Bustle 1

Buslte 2

Bustle 3

Regalia 1

Regalia 2

Regalia 3

Regalia 4

Be Blessed (\0/)

Malama Pono

WOW A Year!?

I haven’t written in here for more than a year? Seriously. Dang – how bad am I? I think ahout it, I tell myself to go do it and then I don’t! Whatsupwithdat? Let me see if I can get back into the groove. A writing groove…

So what is up? Not much; same ole, same ole. Still working although I’m way past retirement age. Or so I’m told. But I can still work BUT I have a real shitty attitude about it. Respectfully so. LOL I’ve been working since I was 16 yrs ol or was it 15? Since I was a kid. My brains are kid like or my mind is but the body; not so much. Yes, I should retire. My older sister has not retired either. Her coworkers keep asking her when will she retire? She is 75 or is it 76, up there some where. She told them she’s not, she’s gonna drop dead in that office. Funny but not; and I don’t doubt it. So 2023 for me, but I’m not holding my breath. On some days I’m so tempted to just say “see ya”. I think I love my paycheck too much. No online shopping once I retire. No discretionary funds. But I’ll buy a lottery ticket? Well maybe, I haven’t in a while. What are the odds of me winning; the most I’ve won playing the lottery is $4.oo! Winner winner no chicken dinner for $4.00; just buy more lottery tickets.

I never thought I’d live this long. Who knew? When I was a kid; I thought you reach 30 years old and then you makidiedead. Obviously not. LOL I’m amazed I’m here. I thought, you get cancer and you die. Well not yet. Not right away. Depends right. And prayers work so its not always what you think. There are blessings and there are blessings. I’ve been blessed. Thank you thank you thank you.

Today I read: “If you do not go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you do not ask, the answer will alway be no. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.” And I thought yeah thats me, I’m in the same place…. but wait I think I’m thinking mentally in the same place not physically. Or whatever. I never ask; ok I rarely ask. It’s that time of the year and the kids are asking; Mom what do you want for Christmas? We have the same conversation every year. I rarely ask for stuff, I’m like surprise me. Now its, look in the Amazon cart! (we have a family account LOL) No surprisese, you get what you get.

One of the reasons I don’t ask is because I don’t want to be disappointed. I don’t want to expect it and not get it. Been there done that all my life and probably continue. Thats just the way it is with me. I personally think its a childhood trauma thing. LOL You know when you are little and all the stories about if you are a “good girl” you’ll get what you want for Christmas. As a kid I figured out early on that was bullshit. Christmas was/is a money thing; the haves and have nots. Well I’m from the “have nots” aka poor so of course I was not gonna get what I want. But I didn’t know that; I just thought I must not have been a good girl cause all I got was pajamas or clothes, none of the fun stuff from the Sears catalog. As an adult I get it, its economics. But as a child I bought into the fairytales. Kinda like the Prince charming thing, if its too good to be true it probably is. LOL The Prince Charming thing was/is very superficial; you know good looks and all that. Not weather the dude was decent and respectable and funner. LOL

So I’m hoping I return here, write more sooner that later like a year from now.

Be Blessed (\0/)

Malama Pono

Jumpig Through The Hoops

I always feel anxious when it comes to going home. Home as in Hawaii. I always have a hard time believing its happening. I don’t believe it till the plane actually lands in Honolulu. I think worst case scenarios AND thats pre-pandemic. So now…..

I knew I had to do this, that and the other before even getting on the plane. Negative Covid-19 test 72 hours before flight. Check. Even that gave me anxiety. I knew I was not a sicko, but what if I was one of these people who didn’t know I was a sicko, what if I did not have any symptoms but had the virus? What if, this that or the other. Test is negative, so one step closer to getting on the plane. Crossing fingers.

What next…. create an acccount, fill out forms, download, upload, facial recognition, are you who you say you are? All these filling out forms businesss gave me anxiety, Like I’m gonna get rejected at any moment. The buzzer is gonna go off and its gonna tell me thats the wrong answer. Excess denied!

It took me more than an hour to jump through all of the hoops. I learned from reading other peoples travel woes… do it on your lap top not on your phone. I could do it on my phone? LOL I don’t even know how to do all that PDF-ing and shit on my phone. I’m still on FB, Instagram and Snapchat – which I don’t get but the kids post stufff there so I go and look see.

If I was to do all the filling out forms, downloading and uploading on my phone I think I would still be at it. It took me awhile…

The process assumes that EVERYBODY is computer literate. That they understand the PDF-ing thing. Its kind of discriminating against people who are not computer literate. That people even have a computer. It’s a generational thing too. I’m sure for some its totally discouraging. Gone are the days of all you need to do is buy a plane ticket and get on the plane. Why isn’t some one protesting about that. LOL All this personal info is more invasive than any frking mask. Peoples priorities are so skewed.

Ok so I get all my “paper work” done, I know I’m successful because I got a QR code. Whats a QR code you ask, hell if I know; I just know I need it to get on the plane. Kind of like Wi-Fi I don’t how to explain it, but I know I need it.

So I’m thinking I’m good to go…… and this morning PHX has a loss of electricity, serrious power outage; 100’s of flights cancelled blah, blah, blah. Did y’all not pay your electricity bill or what? More anxiety. We’ll see what tomorrow morning brings…. expect the worst but pray for the best.

Be Blessed (\0/)

Malama Pono

The Last Time I Wrote Was in May?

All I can say is “WOW Really?” Writer fail for sure yeah! Let’s see if I can get back into this groove thing….. where shall I start?

Dear Spam Risk: I am not answering your call. If Spam Risk showed on your phone, would you answer it? NO. So what makes you think I am going to answer you. Everyday! Dude/Dudette that gives you stalker status; calling everyday! When have I answered you. Um’never! What is the point? Swear to gawd, you and Telemarketer!

For the record:

My student loans were paid off decades ago. Yes I took decades to pay it but it is paid now so who are you loan person or pretend loan person calling and telling me about student loans? You obviously have not done your homework because I do not have student loans. I had student loans before cell phones were invented! Hello.

Warranty! My car is paid for. It is not under warranty. I don’t need to renew no warranty. I can’t won’t renew a warranty I don’t have and don’t want. Renewing means paying right, ain’t paying jack.

Medicaid Medicare medi – whatever…. ok yes I am in that age brackett BUT I did not request any kind of information. Did not ask for a review of anything. Don’t want to hear anyones schpeel. I’m good!

On another note: I have an attitude problem. Don’t know where it came from. It just showed up out of know where, one moment I’m fine and next thing you know I’m rolling my eyes and being a snob or moving my neck, WTH….. oh wait I think its hormones. LOL Or the lack of or too much FB? LOL

Speaking of Facebook – so what happened – it was down? What? I did not notice, probably cause I really do work. LOL Anyway however long FB was down did not affect my life in any way so I don’t get it. Whats the big deal. You could still call some one right? Phones were working ain’t it? BUT if there was no WI-FI, now that would mess up my Pinterest-ing. That I would notice! That would have affected my pinning. LOL

Feels good to write again, I should do it more often. šŸ™‚

Be Blessed (\0/)

Malama Pono