2017 – 2018

Three more days, well 4 counting today till 2018.  Year of the Dog.

2017 is/was a good year. Decent. Can’t complain. Okay I can but what’s done is done. Moving forward 🙂

For me, this year has been better than past couple of years so I am blessed. Can’t say I’m not. It’s all good.


I look forward to a prosperous new year. Always. I’m optimistic like that. LOL Unlike some people who think everything is “oh woe is me” or whatever. Ya’gotta stay away from those kine of people whose worst scenarios are always way more worst than yours. There’s always that one person who will one up you on anything that is negative.  Those are the kind of people you have to stay away from. God forbid if its someone in your household. How do you escape that shit?


May 2018 bring you peace, love and cash. Cash is always good. Who is gonna argue that? (rhetorical question)   Oh yeah and by the way…..





Be blessed (\O/)

Malama pono