Somethings I Don’t Get

There are a lot of things that I don’t get. I mean I sort of do get it but why? I don’t know how to explain it is something I don’t get. I’m special like that. LOL

For instance:

The Khardasians – Why are they famous? Stuff like that I don’t get it.

The Secret!  – Obviously I’ve not gotten it yet. 🙂 But soon; I am hopeful & thankful.

Electorial College – who invented that and it sounds out dated but what do I know, I don’t get it. I know I should google. But its more fun to ask.

Common Sense – If it’s so common why do so many people not have it. Uncommon sense? More like stupid sometimes. Craycray. 🙂

Reality TV – How real is it to have a camera crew in your face, all the time, most of the time.  Even the how to survive in the wilderness type of shows – there’s no one here for miles and miles  blah blah blah. You and the camera man or crew.

The Batchelor or Bachelorette – Maybe I’m old school fuddy duddy but that is not how you find “love”. I think it comes off kind of slutty, man whore-ish. Kind of germy too, mouth to mouth with all of them. But that’s me. Probably cause I don’t like drama (although I do like Korean dramas LOL). Love is not a winner takes all kind of game. They are in front of a camera, please. “We had such a connection” and I didn’t get a fkng rose. Boohoo. Yeah but he/she got to make out with you! Some one got something.  Do they go all the way? I’m assuming. Maybe the guys judge by who goes DOWN the best.  Imagine, you did not get a rose because you suck at sucking. LOL Do women care about who goes down the best? Sensations are sensations – LOL I crack myself up LOL It’s not about s-e-x, uh-huh that’s what they all say.




Be Blessed (\O/)

Malama Pono