
I like to think I’ve been doing really well with this NO SUGAR business. Even if almost everything in the store has sugar. Oh fruits & vegetables, okay fine.

I understand not having sugar but that doesn’t mean I like it. It’s my addiction and I am dealing with it. 🙂

I saw this sugar-free ice cream and I bought it.  I haven’t had ice cream for a month or more.  I had me a cup, okay a big cup of ice cream. Later on I felt sick, like lactose intolerance. I think my stomach went into shock or something.

I also now understand that rice, noodles/pasta, bread and any dessert will spike my sugar something fierce. Well I kind of knew it before but you know its kind of ‘outta site outta mind’ kind of mentality.  Selective. Anyway I shouldn’t be eating rice, noodles/pasta, bread and desserts.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t.  If I do its for lunch.  Hehehehe

The awesome thing is I lost 3 lbs. But I know that could come right back in a heart beat and a scoop of rice.

I had an ultra sound today, NO I ain’t prego. Ultra sound of the neck. I passed. LOL No surprises. I’m normal-ish!  I remember the first time I had an ultra sound of the neck/my thyroid. Some rookie messed it up so I had to go back in and have it redone. The Tech left the picture on the screen and I was looking at it.  I told her I know she can’t tell me nothing but I just wanted a yes or no and she said OK.  My question was, the left side and right side should look the same right? YES. My right was a bit fkup. 🙂 Then I asked the Tech, do you ultra sound yourself?  We were just cracking up, she was like – oh hell yeah – I see all these weird things in people I want to know if I might have one too.

So now I know I’m addicted to sugar and I am going thru withdrawals but I’m handling it. Maybe I need to attend a Sugar Anonymous meeting or something? Nah, I think I got this. LOL


Be Blessed (\O/)

Malama pono